Cognitive Bias

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Straight Line Instinct hinders thinking by assuming trends will continue 26
Fear Instinct hinders thinking by confusing risk with fear 25
Generalization Instinct hinders thinking by using misleading categories 25
Single Perspective Instinct hinders thinking by having only a hammer 25
Blame Instinct hinders thinking by pointing fingers 24
Negativity Instinct hinders thinking by emphasizing bad news 23
Destiny Instinct hinders thinking by forgetting that small changes add up 22
Gap Instinct hinders thinking by ignoring the middle majority 22
Size Instinct hinders thinking by considering a number without context 21
Urgency Instinct hinders thinking by exaggerating a decision's urgency 20
Dichotomous thinking simplistically resolves ambiguity 15
Availability Heuristic overestimates likelihood of events 14
Confirmation Bias defends one's assumptions 12
Status quo bias favors the current state 12
Sunk Cost Fallacy avoids facing a loss 10
Ambiguity aversion favors the known over the unknown 9
Positive Test Strategy reinforces Confirmation Bias 9
Hanlon's razor avoids paranoia and ideology 7
Reference-class forecasting avoids uniqueness bias 7
Selection Bias happens when the sample is not representative 7
Bias for action can mask a bias against thinking 6
Survivorship bias focuses only on successful examples 6
Complexifying overcomes binary bias 5
Substitution answers an easier, similar question instead 5
Anchoring Bias pulls an unknown value toward a known anchor 4
Bandwagon bias is social proof 3
Halo effect is the tendency to like (or dislike) everything about a person 2