The “rigorous language for the description of networks is found in graph theory, a field of mathematics that can be traced back to the pioneering work of Leonhard Euler in the eighteenth century.”[1]
Foundational concepts and terminology of Graph Theory
- network (or graph): a set of elements (nodes) with a set of connections between pairs of nodes (links). A network is characterized by the total number of nodes N and total number of links (L).
- links: represent the presence of a relation between the nodes (e.g., social, p;hysical, communication, geographic, conceptual, chemical, biological, etc.)
- neighbors: two nodes that are connected (or adjacent) by a link between them.
Kinds of Networks
- Directed network (or digraph): links are called directed links and the order of the nodes in a link reflects the direction (from source node to target).
- Undirected network: links are bi-directional and the order of the two nodes in a link does not matter.
- Weighted network: links have associated weights.
- Unweighted network: all links are the same weight.
- Network size: N is the size of the network because it identifies the number of distinct elements composing the system.
- Network density: the fraction of possible links that actually exist (i.e., the fraction of pairs of nodes that are connected).
Classes of Networks
- Bipartite networks: have two groups of nodes such that links only connect nodes from different groups and not nodes from the same group. (e.g., movie-star, artist-song, class-student, product-customer, etc.)
- Multiplex networks: have multiple types of links. (e.g., movie-star with added links showing actors/actresses who are married to each other.)
- Complete network: a network with the maximum number of links, in which all possible pairs of nodes are connected by links. A complete network has maximal density: 1.
- Sparse network: a network with a much lower (e.g., orders of magnitude) network density than 1.
- Subnetwork (or subgraph): a subset of the nodes of a network and all the links among these nodes.
- Clique: a complete subnetwork where all pairs of nodes in the network are connected.
- Ego network: the subnetwork consisting of a given node (ego) and its neighbors.
- Node degree: The number of neighbors (links) of a given node. A node with no neighbors is a singleton.
- Network degree: of a network is denoted by
and is directly proportional to its density.
Unless noted otherwise, all defintions are from A First Course in Network Science – Menczer, et. al. (2020). ↩︎