Human-centered design is the process of ensuring that people’s actual needs are met

Good design ensures that the actual problem people are experiencing is solved in the best way possible. The process of accomplishig this is called “human-centered design.”

Human-centered design (HCD) is the process of ensuring that people’s needs are met, that the resulting product is understandable and usable, that it accomplishes the desired tasks, and that the experience of use is positive and enjoyable. Effective design needs to satisfy a large number of constraints and concerns, including shape and form, cost and efficiency, reliability and effectiveness, understandability and usability, the pleasure of the appearance, the pride of ownership, and the joy of actual use. HCD is a procedure for addressing these requirements, but with an emphasis on two things: solving the right problem, and doing so in a way that meets human needs and capabilities.[1]

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See also:

  1. source: The Design of Everyday Things – Norman (2013), ch. 6, § “Solving the Correct Problem.” ↩︎