Simple rules tame complexity

When faced with complex challenges, humans tend to rely on experts to create complex solutions. This is problematic, because meeting complexity with complexity can create more confusion than it resolves. A more effective means of addressing complex challenges is is to devise simple rules to shape behavior, because simple rules tame complexity better than complicated solutions.[1]

Simple rules work, it turns out, because they do three things very well. First, they confer the flexibility to pursue new opportunities while maintaining some consistency. Second, they can produce better decisions. …Finally, simple rules allow the members of a community to synchronize their activities with one another on the fly. As a result, communities can do things that would be impossible for their individual members to achieve on their own.

Applying complicated solutions to complex problems is an understandable approach, but flawed. The parts of a complex system can interact with one another in many different ways, which quickly overwhelms our ability to envision all possible outcomes.

#complex-systems #networks #strategic

See also:

  1. See: Simple Rules for a Complex World – Sull and Eisenhardt (2012) and “Simple Rules for a Complex World” ↩︎