Solving complex problems requires having the right participants

Once the preparatory work has been completed, the frame creation workshop brings all the information together and takes the team through it. In addition to having all the right information, the composition of the team is of paramount importance.

The team members of these frame creation sessions tend to be very diverse. To achieve breadth and depth in the frame creation process, participants are strategically chosen for the different skills, experiences, and approaches they can bring to the table. This is important because the frame creation process is a “creative analysis”: while the process is thorough and always based on facts, the directions chosen are contingent upon the experience of the participants—different groups will take a different line of action. Included in such a team are content specialists who have a deep and broad knowledge of the problem arena and are able to feed fresh information into all the stages of the frame creation process as new questions come up.[1]

#complexity #frame-innovation

See also:

  1. Frame Innovation – Dorst (2015), ch. 5 § “The principles of frame creation.” ↩︎